In accordance with State law, an item not scheduled on the agenda may be brought forward by the genera l public for comment; however, the City Council will not be ab le to discuss or take action on any issue not included on the agenda . You may speak up to three (3) minutes. Speakers have one opportunity to address the Council under Public Comment.
The Consent Calendar may be enacted in one motion by the Council with a Roll Call Vote without discussion unless a Councilmember, a member of the public, or City Manager requests that an item be removed for discussion. 1. Approval of Reading by Title Only and Waiver of Reading in Full of Ordinances on this Agenda 2. Approval of the September 7, 2021 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes 3. Adoption of Resolution to Continue the Existence of a Local Emergency Within the City of Poway Due to the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Global Pandemic 4. Adoption of the 2022 City Council Meeting Calendar 5. Resolution Authorizing the Updated Emergency Response Plan and Emergency Operations Center Handbook 6. Approval of Agreement with PROS Consulting for a Cost of Services and Fee Study of the Poway Center for the Performing Arts and Appropriate Funds for the Completion of the Study 7. Authorization to Purchase: One (1) Compact Track Loader, One (1) Medium Duty Truck with Plumbers Depot Equipment, Three (3) Full-size Cab/ Chassis Only, and Three (3) 3-4 Yard Steel Construction Dump Bodies through the Sourcewell Cooperative Purchase Agreement, the State of California Department of General Services State Contract, and a Competitive Bid Process 8. Approval of Final Map for Tentative Tract Map 19-002; Kevin McNamara, Applicant. (APNs: 273- 110-07, 273-110-08, and 273-110-18)
ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION: Ordinance Amending the Poway Municipal Code Regarding Solid Waste Collection and Disposal Reduction Requirements City Manager's Recommendation: It is recommended that the City Council introduce the Ordinance for first reading by title only, waive further reading and schedule the adoption of the Ordinance for November 2, 2021.
Second Reading and Adoption of Ordinance No. 848 entitled "An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Poway, California, Approving Specific Plan Amendment 19-002 to the South Poway Specific Plan to Allow Wireless Communication Facilities to Have a Maximum Height of 90 Feet as a Conditionally Permitted Use" City Manager's Recommendation: It is recommended that the City Council adopt Ordinance No. 848.
Approval of Agreement with Feeding the Soul Foundation dba O'side Kitchen Collaborative to Provide Catering Services for the Older Adult Congregate Meal Program at the Mickey Cafagna Community Center and Appropriation of Funds City Manager's Recommendation: It is recommended that the City Council approve the Agreement and authorize the City Manager to execute all necessary documents associated with the Agreement between the City of Poway and Feeding the Soul Foundation dba O'side Kitchen Collaborative (OKC) to provide catering services for the Older Adult Congregate Meal Program at the Mickey Cafagna Community Center and appropriate funds to pay for the service prior to the City receiving both participant fees and reimbursement from the Poway Valley Senior Citizens Corporation.
City Manager's Recommendation: It is recommended that the City Council adopt the Resolution approving the execution and delivery of an Installment Purchase Agreement for the purpose of causing the issuance of not to exceed $15,000,000 aggregate principal amount of Water Revenue Bonds, Series 2021 A, and approving the execution and delivery of certain documents in connection therewith and certain other matters. It is recommended that the Board of Directors of the Poway Public Financing Authority ("Authority'') adopt the Resolution approving the sale of its Water Revenue Bonds, Series 2021A, in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $15,000,000 and approving the
Council Committee Reports and Comments
In accordance with State law, an item not scheduled on the agenda may be brought forward by the genera l public for comment; however, the City Council will not be ab le to discuss or take action on any issue not included on the agenda . You may speak up to three (3) minutes. Speakers have one opportunity to address the Council under Public Comment.
The Consent Calendar may be enacted in one motion by the Council with a Roll Call Vote without discussion unless a Councilmember, a member of the public, or City Manager requests that an item be removed for discussion. 1. Approval of Reading by Title Only and Waiver of Reading in Full of Ordinances on this Agenda 2. Approval of the September 7, 2021 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes 3. Adoption of Resolution to Continue the Existence of a Local Emergency Within the City of Poway Due to the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Global Pandemic 4. Adoption of the 2022 City Council Meeting Calendar 5. Resolution Authorizing the Updated Emergency Response Plan and Emergency Operations Center Handbook 6. Approval of Agreement with PROS Consulting for a Cost of Services and Fee Study of the Poway Center for the Performing Arts and Appropriate Funds for the Completion of the Study 7. Authorization to Purchase: One (1) Compact Track Loader, One (1) Medium Duty Truck with Plumbers Depot Equipment, Three (3) Full-size Cab/ Chassis Only, and Three (3) 3-4 Yard Steel Construction Dump Bodies through the Sourcewell Cooperative Purchase Agreement, the State of California Department of General Services State Contract, and a Competitive Bid Process 8. Approval of Final Map for Tentative Tract Map 19-002; Kevin McNamara, Applicant. (APNs: 273- 110-07, 273-110-08, and 273-110-18)
ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION: Ordinance Amending the Poway Municipal Code Regarding Solid Waste Collection and Disposal Reduction Requirements City Manager's Recommendation: It is recommended that the City Council introduce the Ordinance for first reading by title only, waive further reading and schedule the adoption of the Ordinance for November 2, 2021.
Second Reading and Adoption of Ordinance No. 848 entitled "An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Poway, California, Approving Specific Plan Amendment 19-002 to the South Poway Specific Plan to Allow Wireless Communication Facilities to Have a Maximum Height of 90 Feet as a Conditionally Permitted Use" City Manager's Recommendation: It is recommended that the City Council adopt Ordinance No. 848.
Approval of Agreement with Feeding the Soul Foundation dba O'side Kitchen Collaborative to Provide Catering Services for the Older Adult Congregate Meal Program at the Mickey Cafagna Community Center and Appropriation of Funds City Manager's Recommendation: It is recommended that the City Council approve the Agreement and authorize the City Manager to execute all necessary documents associated with the Agreement between the City of Poway and Feeding the Soul Foundation dba O'side Kitchen Collaborative (OKC) to provide catering services for the Older Adult Congregate Meal Program at the Mickey Cafagna Community Center and appropriate funds to pay for the service prior to the City receiving both participant fees and reimbursement from the Poway Valley Senior Citizens Corporation.
City Manager's Recommendation: It is recommended that the City Council adopt the Resolution approving the execution and delivery of an Installment Purchase Agreement for the purpose of causing the issuance of not to exceed $15,000,000 aggregate principal amount of Water Revenue Bonds, Series 2021 A, and approving the execution and delivery of certain documents in connection therewith and certain other matters. It is recommended that the Board of Directors of the Poway Public Financing Authority ("Authority'') adopt the Resolution approving the sale of its Water Revenue Bonds, Series 2021A, in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $15,000,000 and approving the
Council Committee Reports and Comments