PUBLIC COMMENT: In accordance with State law, an item not scheduled on the agenda may be brought forward by the general public for comment; however, the City Council will not be able to discuss or take action on any issue not included on the agenda. You may speak up to three {3} minutes. Speakers have one opportunity to address the Council under Public Comment.
CONSENT CALENDAR: The Consent Calendar may be enacted in one motion by the Council with a Roll Call Vote without discussion unless a Councilmember, a member of the public, or City Manager requests that an item be removed for discussion. 1. Approval of Reading by Title Only and Waiver of Reading in Full of Ordinances on this Agenda 2. Adoption of Resolution to Continue the Existence of a Local Emergency Within the City of Poway Due to the Novel Coronavirus {COVID-19) Global Pandemic 3. Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Enter into an Inter-Agency Service Agreement with Palomar Community College District 4. City's Investment Report as of June 30, 2022 6. Acceptance of the FY 21-22 Water Valve Replacement Project; Bid No. 22-003, with M-Rae Engineering, Inc., as Complete 8. A Resolution Approving and Authorizing Deposit and Withdrawal of Monies on Behalf of the City of Poway in the Local Agency Investment Fund 9. A Resolution Approving and Authorizing Deposit and Withdrawal of Monies on Behalf of the City of Poway as Successor Agency to the Poway Redevelopment Agency in the Local Agency Investment Fund
5. Approval of Final Map for Tentative Tract Map 16-005 (Lyon Estates Subdivision); Tyler Sandstrom, Applicant (APNs: 314-370-05-00 and 314-032-01-00) 7. A Resolution Accepting Real Property at the east end of Larchmont Street
Resolution Adopting the Report on City's Water Quality Relative to Public Health Goals for 2019-2021 City Manager's Recommendation: It is recommended the City Council open the public hearing, take public input, close the public hearing, and adopt the Resolution.
Safe Poway Program introduction and Authorization City Manager's Recommendation: It is recommended the City Council approve the City's participation in the Sheriffs Safe Poway Program, authorize the City Manager to execute the related Memorandum of Understanding with the Sheriffs Department, and authorize the appropriation of up to $35k to fund additional cameras/technology not funded by the Sheriffs Department.
Comprehensive Sign Permit (CSP) 22-0003; a request to allow three freestanding signs greater than eight feet in height {up to 11 feet) for Palomar Medical Center located at 15611 and 15615 Pomerado Road; APN: 275-461-15 / 275-461 -14 City Manager's Recommendation: It is recommended that the City Council take public input, close the public hearing, and adopt the Resolution approving CSP 22-0003.
Exclusive Negotiating Rights Agreement and Right of Entry and License Agreement Between the Poway Housing Authority and Wakeland Housing & Development Corporation for the Monte Vista Affordable Housing Development Project {APN 275-460-61) City Manager's Recommendation: It is recommended the Poway Housing Authority Board: 1) Approve the Exclusive Negotiating Rights Agreement and Right of Entry and License Agreement with Wakeland; 2) Authorize the Executive Director to execute all necessary documents; and 3) Authorize the appropriation of $51,500 from the Housing Authority Fund (2900) to the Monte Vista Housing Site Project {MS012).
Council Committee Reports and Announcements
PUBLIC COMMENT: In accordance with State law, an item not scheduled on the agenda may be brought forward by the general public for comment; however, the City Council will not be able to discuss or take action on any issue not included on the agenda. You may speak up to three {3} minutes. Speakers have one opportunity to address the Council under Public Comment.
CONSENT CALENDAR: The Consent Calendar may be enacted in one motion by the Council with a Roll Call Vote without discussion unless a Councilmember, a member of the public, or City Manager requests that an item be removed for discussion. 1. Approval of Reading by Title Only and Waiver of Reading in Full of Ordinances on this Agenda 2. Adoption of Resolution to Continue the Existence of a Local Emergency Within the City of Poway Due to the Novel Coronavirus {COVID-19) Global Pandemic 3. Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Enter into an Inter-Agency Service Agreement with Palomar Community College District 4. City's Investment Report as of June 30, 2022 6. Acceptance of the FY 21-22 Water Valve Replacement Project; Bid No. 22-003, with M-Rae Engineering, Inc., as Complete 8. A Resolution Approving and Authorizing Deposit and Withdrawal of Monies on Behalf of the City of Poway in the Local Agency Investment Fund 9. A Resolution Approving and Authorizing Deposit and Withdrawal of Monies on Behalf of the City of Poway as Successor Agency to the Poway Redevelopment Agency in the Local Agency Investment Fund
5. Approval of Final Map for Tentative Tract Map 16-005 (Lyon Estates Subdivision); Tyler Sandstrom, Applicant (APNs: 314-370-05-00 and 314-032-01-00) 7. A Resolution Accepting Real Property at the east end of Larchmont Street
Resolution Adopting the Report on City's Water Quality Relative to Public Health Goals for 2019-2021 City Manager's Recommendation: It is recommended the City Council open the public hearing, take public input, close the public hearing, and adopt the Resolution.
Safe Poway Program introduction and Authorization City Manager's Recommendation: It is recommended the City Council approve the City's participation in the Sheriffs Safe Poway Program, authorize the City Manager to execute the related Memorandum of Understanding with the Sheriffs Department, and authorize the appropriation of up to $35k to fund additional cameras/technology not funded by the Sheriffs Department.
Comprehensive Sign Permit (CSP) 22-0003; a request to allow three freestanding signs greater than eight feet in height {up to 11 feet) for Palomar Medical Center located at 15611 and 15615 Pomerado Road; APN: 275-461-15 / 275-461 -14 City Manager's Recommendation: It is recommended that the City Council take public input, close the public hearing, and adopt the Resolution approving CSP 22-0003.
Exclusive Negotiating Rights Agreement and Right of Entry and License Agreement Between the Poway Housing Authority and Wakeland Housing & Development Corporation for the Monte Vista Affordable Housing Development Project {APN 275-460-61) City Manager's Recommendation: It is recommended the Poway Housing Authority Board: 1) Approve the Exclusive Negotiating Rights Agreement and Right of Entry and License Agreement with Wakeland; 2) Authorize the Executive Director to execute all necessary documents; and 3) Authorize the appropriation of $51,500 from the Housing Authority Fund (2900) to the Monte Vista Housing Site Project {MS012).
Council Committee Reports and Announcements